CVM Class Library 5.2

This is an older version 5.2, June 3, 2005 (see also history of changes). Please see the latest version for newer compilers.

The following compilers and integrated development environments are supported by the version 5.2:

If you want to rebuild Fortran subroutines included into the library, you'll also need Compaq Visual Fortran 6.0 or higher for Win32 platform and GNU Fortran 0.5.25 or higher for Linux or Cygwin platform. The library can be linked either with original LAPACK 3.0 or with Intel MKL 7.2 library or with Sun Performance Library on Solaris platform.



Links to precompiled binaries for Win32 are located below. They were built using Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6C3, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (SP6), Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 compilers.

File naming is self-descriptive. Here is the legend:
cvm.5.2 - current version
net, net2003, vs2005, vc6 - compiler version
lapack - binaries utilizing original LAPACK 3.0 library
mkl7 - binaries utilizing Intel MKL 7.2 library linked statically
mkl7-dll - binaries utilizing Intel MKL 7.2 library linked dynamically (i.e. you have to purchase or evaluate it)
stlp462 - binaries utilizing STLport 4.6.2 library
debug - debug binaries (release by default)

MS VC 6.0 SP6 binaries:

   Release  Debug
 MKL 7.2 and STLport 4.6.2 (2954 K) (3242 K)
 MKL 7.2 (2950 K) (3161 K)
 MKL 7.2 DLL and STLport 4.6.2 (131 K) (820 K)
 MKL 7.2 DLL (133 K) (738 K)
 LAPACK and STLport 4.6.2 (729 K) (1365 K)
 LAPACK (731 K) (1358 K)
MS .NET 2002 binaries:
   Release  Debug
 MKL 7.2 and STLport 4.6.2 (2397 K) (3191 K)
 MKL 7.2 DLL and STLport 4.6.2 (109 K) (668 K)
 LAPACK and STLport 4.6.2 (712 K) (1252 K)
MS .NET 2003 binaries:
   Release  Debug
 MKL 7.2 and STLport 4.6.2 (2402 K) (3062 K)
 MKL 7.2 (2404 K) (3050 K)
 MKL 7.2 DLL and STLport 4.6.2 (114 K) (686 K)
 MKL 7.2 DLL (116 K) (668 K)
 LAPACK and STLport 4.6.2 (718 K) (1330 K)
 LAPACK (719 K) (1315 K)
MS Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 binaries (no STLport so far, MKL dll only due to its incompatibility with MKL static libraries):
   Release  Debug
 MKL 7.2 DLL (114 K) (844 K)
 LAPACK (724 K) (1366 K)

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